Indigenous learners enrol in BC college and university mainstream programming, as well as programs designed specifically for learners working in First Nations communities. There are special programs in place to ensure success of these learners, recognizing that a supportive environment will contribute to a positive educational experience. However, online delivery of courses specifically targeting aboriginal students is relatively new in British Columbia and is on the increase.
The question of what this means in terms of course design, instructional strategies, and building supportive learning communities, remains a challenge to many instructors. The First Nations Pedagogy for Online Learning project has been undertaken to address this gap.
June Kaminski and Sylvia Currie recorded their presentation and open discussion about this work on the First Nations Pedagogy Online project, website and online community for advancing our knowledge about effectively implementing learning opportunities for Indigenous learners on Wed, Apr 15, 2009.
UPDATE: Here is the Wiki created to go with this session.